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Natural Health Improvement Centers
September 20, 2022
Is A Vitamin Deficiency Causing Your Depression?

Depression used to be a condition that was hardly understood and never talked about. Even today, depression can be an uncomfortable topic to discuss. But we need to discuss it. In 2015, more than 16.1 million U.S. adults suffered from some type of depressive episode. There are many types of depression that range from mild […]

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September 20, 2022
5 Benefits of Hiring a Nutritionist in South Jersey

Making the switch to a paleo diet is a great way to get healthy and lose weight. Coupled with other efforts to make healthy changes in your life, it can be a simple way to boost your energy while promoting weight loss. But with so many restrictions on what you can and can't eat, it […]

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September 20, 2022
5 Awesome Organic Food Facts

Demand for organically grown food is at an all-time high. As more and more people focus on improving their health, the demand will continue to rise. While you may be hearing and seeing more about organic food, there is almost too much information out there. Interested, but wondering what exactly are the big benefits? Keep reading below […]

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September 20, 2022
What is Nutrition Response Testing?

WHAT IS NUTRITION RESPONSE TESTING®? I am a Nutrition Response Testing® Practitioner. Not many people know what that is so I would like to shed some light on this tried and true method of finding nutritional deficiencies in the body.  I have practiced herbalism for the last 10 years and nutrition for twelve, but technically […]

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September 20, 2022
Pesky Plastics

Sippy cups, Saran Wrap, Tupperware, Ziplock Bags: What do all these items have in common? They are all plastic and may contain chemicals that can leach into your food and harm you and your family. Everywhere you look in your home you will find plastic. It is seemingly unavoidable and it can be dangerous. Figuring […]

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