5 Herbs and Spices That Lower Inflammation


5 Herbs and Spices That Lower Inflammation


Inflammation can cause issues such as headaches and pain. It is also at the root of many chronic diseases, including diabetes, cancer and heart disease to name a few. But there are ways you can fight inflammation.

In this post we’ll go over what you can eat to help reduce inflammation and lower your risk of developing these diseases. The good news is, you may already have items in your pantry that can help such as certain herbs and spices that research shows have important anti-inflammatory properties.


Here are some of my favorite herbs and spices that lower inflammation.

  1. Basil

Basil is delicious in pasta dishes and pesto, but you don't usually think of it as a medicinal plant. In fact, basil has a specific compound called (E)-beta-caryophyllene (BCP), which has been shown to reduce inflammation and has been useful in treating rheumatoid arthritis and inflammatory bowel conditions. Ocimum sanctum L., or holy basil, is the powerhouse species most commonly used for its strong anti-inflammatory effects.

MediHerb Andrographis Complex contains Holy Basil and is our top pick for inflammatory issues with an immune system component.

One of our favorite recipes that includes culinary basil as well as Thyme, another anti-inflammatory herb is Basil-Thyme Vinaigrette.

Tip: You can find essential oils with components of basil or holy basil to alleviate swelling.


  1. Ginger

This popular spice has been touted for its numerous medicinal benefits for centuries and is considered to be a potent anti-inflammatory. If you suffer from an upset stomach, you may have heard suggestions to eat ginger or drink ginger ale. This recommendation ties back to studies that show consuming ginger can reduce inflammation in your intestines. It may also help relieve the symptoms of gastrointestinal issues such as Inflammatory Bowel Disease (IBD).

One of our favorite ginger (and garlic) recipes is Garlic-Ginger Lemonade. Don't knock it till you've tried it! Or, try this Tangy Tea that includes dandelion, ginger, cloves, and cinnamon.

MediHerb Cramplex contains ginger and is our top pick for everything smooth muscle inflammation related, from cramps to even headaches.

Tip: You can also find ginger root or ginger products in your local health food store to aid with indigestion.


  1. Garlic

You probably have a bulb or two on hand or a bottle of garlic powder in your pantry. Not only does this commonly found culinary spice add flavor to your dishes, but it also has plenty of health benefits.

Studies show eating garlic on a regular basis may help decrease the risk of developing cardiovascular diseases caused by chronic inflammation. It may even work to lower your body's levels of homocysteine, a protein byproduct that leads to inflammation. This delicious vegetable is also great for swollen joints or sore muscles.

MediHerb Garlic Forte has an enteric coating that allows the tablet to dissolve deep in the intestines to help reduce systemic inflammation. It also doesn't make you stink which is good for everyone around you!

Tip: You can treat aches by rubbing them with garlic oil, and earaches with garlic-mullein oil.


  1. Cinnamon

Cinnamon is more than just a spice to add to pastries and muffins. It's anti-inflammatory properties also help your body treat headaches and pain, repair tissue damage, and fight infections. Research shows adding cinnamon to your daily diet can significantly reduce systemic inflammation and lower your risk of disease.

Ceylon cinnamon is true cinnamon. Most other cinnamons do not have medicinal benefit and some can even be harmful if taken in high amounts.

Tip: You can sprinkle cinnamon in your coffee or tea to add flavor and reduce swelling.


  1. Turmeric

Turmeric has amazing health benefits, one of which is its powerful anti-inflammatory properties. Researchers have named it one of the topmost potent anti-inflammatory spices. This is due primarily to the antioxidant found in turmeric called curcumin.

This brightly colored spice has been proven to help against chronic diseases such as diabetes and cancer. Plus it boosts your mood and immunity.

The king of Turmeric is MediHerb's Turmeric Forte. We haven't seen any Turmeric product come close to the power in this one. Taking 3 tablets a day is the medicinal equivalent of 9 pounds of turmeric. Pretty impressive! Plus, the addition of Fenugreek make this turmeric actually absorbed and used by the body.

Tip: You can add turmeric to smoothies for breakfast, soups for lunch and vegetables for dinner.


These 5 herbs and spices that lower inflammation can be found fresh, dried, or powdered in most grocery stores. They're also available in essential oils which you can find in your local health food store. We also use them in herbal tincture or tablet form for nutritional and herbal therapy at our practices.

For more information on some of these spices, here are 5 Spices Your Should Be Cooking with Every Day.

Some of these oils can be applied topically or used for aromatherapy treatment. Give one a try to reap all the health benefits. Check with a health professional or coach who can advise you on what's best for you.


What’s your favorite herb or spice? Tell us in comments!


Be Well & Thrive!

With Love & In Health,

Sarah Outlaw, MH, MSACN

  • For more information on who we are and what we do at Natural Health Improvement Center of South Jersey and Natural Health Improvement Center of Des Moines, browse the rest of our website. We offer Root Cause Nutrition, Nutritional Coaching, Nutrition Response Testing, Functional Nutrition, Herbal Medicine, Flower Essence Therapy, and Homeopathy. We also offer detox services including an infrared sauna, and PEMF (pulsed electromagnetic field therapy mat, and foot bath (DSM office). We are on the front lines of wellness for you! Health starts here!



  1. https://www.medicalnewstoday.com/articles/266425.php
  2. https://www.webmd.com/vitamins/ai/ingredientmono-662/turmeric
  3. https://www.healthline.com/nutrition/10-proven-benefits-of-cinnamon



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