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Natural Health Improvement Centers
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Sarah Outlaw
Dr. Sarah Outlaw, BCDHH is the Owner & Lead Practitioner of Natural Health Improvement Centers of South Jersey, South Carolina, Des Moines, & Virtual Worldwide. She is a Board Certified Holistic Doctor, holds a Master’s Degree in Applied Clinical Nutrition from New York Chiropractic College, and has earned professional certificates as a Health Coach, Clinical Master Herbalist, Functional Bloodwork Specialist, Emotion Code & Body Code Practitioner, and Advanced Muscle Testing Practitioner.
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Nicole Kizitaff
Bio Coming Soon


Nutrition Response Testing® saved my life! I wouldn’t be standing if not for Nutrition Response Testing®! Before I had the opportunity to experience Nutrition Response Testing®, I was not doing very well. Despite eating a real, whole food diet for the last 10+ years, it wasn’t the right diet for ME. My health would spiral after having babies. I had 4 miscarriages over the years and experienced bad cystic acne, stress, and fatigue. I started to stutter, couldn’t form a complete thought and could barely muster up the energy to leave my house. I had joint pain, migraines, and horrible stomach pains. I had Lyme Disease! I knew I was on a slippery slope to autoimmune disease. With four kids that I homeschooled at the time, two home businesses, and a career in health and wellness, this just wasn’t cool. I needed help!
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