Functional Nutrition Solutions for Seasonal Allergy Relief


It's Allergy Season! Aaahh Chooo! 

We knew it was coming… Drum roll please...Seasonal allergies! Let's take a functional health and wellness approach to seasonal allergy relief.

Did you know that seasonal allergies are not normal? In the spring-time the liver and the gallbladder need a little bit of help detoxing in some people. In the fall the lungs need a little help detoxing. That’s a basic explanation, but the reality of it is that not everyone has allergies just like not everyone gets sick with viruses when it’s flu season.
These days, if you cough or sneeze people think you have the plague so it’s a good idea to get those allergies in check!
Why do some people experience horrible allergy symptoms and others do not? Those that don't experience allergies have strong immune (mast) cells, good liver function, and healthy mucous membranes!
Are You Sick, Or Is It Allergies?
How do you know if you have allergies or if you are sick? Here are some common allergy symptoms we hear the most complaints about. Allergy symptoms are consistent. They don't go away, and they are not accompanied by fever or discolored mucous.
Got More Than The Fab Five?
While the above are the top 5 symptoms we hear about the most, there are also a variety of common seasonal symptoms that many people experience in the spring, fall, or even all year long. We take a natural approach to handling allergies at our office...A Root Cause Approach. We figured you would expect nothing less!!
Is Itchy Skin Your Nemesis?
To expound upon a major allergy symptom that we see, lets focus on itchy skin. Itchy skin could be from too many histamines not getting cleared through your liver. It could also be fungus, mold, or parasites, so it is very important to test to see what specifically it is.
Our Top Picks For Natural Allergy Relief
Our faves from Standard Process and MediHerb are Allerplex, Antronex, Albizia, Sinus Forte, Black Cumin Seed, and Pulmaco. We are also obsessed with Livco to get those livers cleaned out. If allergies are really terrible, we recommend doing the 21-Day Purification Program to really get those detox pathways squeaky clean!

We are your natural allergy specialists! We have the tools you need to handle your symptoms AND get to the root cause of your allergies and kick them out for good!

Call or email us today to be on your way to enjoying spring allergy-free!
Be Well & Thrive!
In Health and Wellness,
Sarah Outlaw, MH, MSACN - Clinical Herbalist, Functional Nutrition Practitioner

NHIC Clinic Hours

Call us: (515) 243-0173Cell # (call or text): (515) 809-8747
Address: 403 SW 8th St. Des Moines, IA 50309
Mondays: 1pm – 7pm
Tuesdays: 9am – 5pm
Wednesdays: 10am – 4pm
Thursdays: 1pm – 7pm
Fridays: 9am – 12pm
Saturday to Sunday: Closed
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