Heart Sound Recording

As the old saying goes... "The heart eats first."
This means that nutrition fed to the body, is used by the heart first.
The heart can show nutritional needs before symptoms manifest in other organs.
Certain types of heart stress can be monitored by visualizing the rate, rhythm, and tone of the heart cycle using The Heart Sound Recorder. As a result, the heart's reaction to certain stressors, i.e. chemical, nutritional and emotional can be observed using this type of device.
The response to recommendations can be monitored by observing changes in the frequency, amplitude, and characteristics of the heart's sound recording. Comparison graphs can help determine the effectiveness of actions taken to improve the quality of life.
Nutritional Deficiencies of the Heart
Every day, more than 1700 people die from cardiac arrest in the United States. Heart Disease is the leading cause of death for both men and women accounting for almost 24% of total deaths.
Yet, there is very little attention on how to assess the heart for nutritional deficiencies.
The Heart Sound Recorder Does Just That!
The sound that a heart makes is a reflection of the valves and muscle tissue that pump blood throughout the body. It has peaks and resting periods that can be assessed in real-time.
Based on the findings, nutrition can be eaten on the spot and sounds can be reassessed. This is a non-invasive test that can be administered in about 15 minutes.
!!!We will be having a Heart Sound Recorder Day on October 9th, 2020 at the DSM location! Contact us at info@nhicdesmoines.com to sign up!
Take care of your heart and it will take care of you!

Be Well & Thrive!

With Love & In Health,

Sarah Outlaw, MH, MSACN

  • For more information on who we are and what we do at Natural Health Improvement Center of South Jersey and Natural Health Improvement Center of Des Moines, browse the rest of our website. We offer Root Cause Nutrition, Nutritional Coaching, Nutrition Response Testing, Functional Nutrition, Herbal Medicine, Flower Essence Therapy, and Homeopathy. We also offer detox services including an infrared sauna, and PEMF (pulsed electromagnetic field therapy mat, and foot bath (DSM office). We are on the front lines of wellness for you! Health starts here!

NHIC Clinic Hours

Call us: (515) 243-0173Cell # (call or text): (515) 809-8747
Address: 403 SW 8th St. Des Moines, IA 50309
Mondays: 1pm – 7pm
Tuesdays: 9am – 5pm
Wednesdays: 10am – 4pm
Thursdays: 1pm – 7pm
Fridays: 9am – 12pm
Saturday to Sunday: Closed
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