Nutrition Response Testing® saved my life! I wouldn’t be standing if not for Nutrition Response Testing®! Before I had the opportunity to experience Nutrition Response Testing®, I was not doing very well. Despite eating a real, whole food diet for the last 10+ years, it wasn’t the right diet for ME. My health would spiral after having babies. I had 4 miscarriages over the years and experienced bad cystic acne, stress, and fatigue. I started to stutter, couldn’t form a complete thought and could barely muster up the energy to leave my house. I had joint pain, migraines, and horrible stomach pains. I had Lyme Disease! I knew I was on a slippery slope to autoimmune disease. With four kids that I homeschooled at the time, two home businesses, and a career in health and wellness, this just wasn’t cool. I needed help!
I had been introduced to Nutrition Response Testing® when I lived in California but never followed through with my program because I moved cross-country. After my youngest son was about to turn two, I knew my body had had enough.
Gone were the glowing pregnancy hormones, and here were those old familiar mood swings, acne, stress, and fatigue symptoms. I looked up a Nutrition Response Testing® Practitioner located in Media, Pennsylvania, and instantly my life was changed. I tested sensitive to wheat and oats, and with extreme adrenal stress. After only a few days on my new program, I noticed a significant difference in some of my more severe symptoms. After a few months, my problems were greatly improved and after a few cycles on a nutrition program, my adrenal fatigue and corresponding symptoms were gone!
I now eat a traditional/paleo/primal type diet, take whole food supplements daily, drink plenty of bone broth, water, herbal teas, and I get chiropractic adjustments. I am still following my nutrition program and will continue to do so. I still have areas to improve, who doesn’t!?! Whether it’s migraines, autoimmune disease, Lyme disease, digestive problems, acne, allergies, eczema, or any other illness, there is hope.